About us
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is an independent expert agency working under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. We serve various parties, the government, municipal and provincial decision-makers, actors in the social welfare and health sector, organisations, the research community and the public. THL issues studies, reports, guidebooks, handbooks and monographs.
THL publications series
THL publishes annually about 150 titles in its own publication series. Most of the titles are available freely at our digital archive as pdf files. Some 150 titles are available at our online bookstore.
Scientific articles
More than 700 articles by THL are published in scientific journals each year. Half of these are international joint articles.
Thomson Reuters rates THL’s reference index as one of the best in Finland. Over 80% of our publications are referenced in world-class scientific journals. Articles published by THL are highly rated by the scientific community.
► Read more from our web-pages.
THL's periodical Yhteiskuntapolitiikka
Yhteiskuntapolitiikka is a peer-reviewed periodical that covers topics on welfare and social politics. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka is published jointly by THL, Finnish Centre for Pensions, research at KELA, the Helsinki University Faculty of Social Sciences and the Tampere University Faculty of Social Sciences (SOC).
Ellibs online bookstore
A small collection of THL publications is available as epub files at the Ellibs online bookstore. A couple of titles are in English. The epub format requires a separate reading app.
► Ellibs
Digital publications archive Julkari
THL publications are stored in the Julkari open archive for publications. The archive is shared by the administrative branch of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Many publications are available in electronic form as pdf-files. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare uses Julkari also a register of its publications. Therefore, only metadata are available for some publications.
► Julkari open archive