We're having a baby (10 kpl)

Hakulinen, Tuovi; Pelkonen, Marjaana; Salo, Jarmo; Kuronen, Maria
Title: We're having a baby (10 kpl)
Authors: Hakulinen, Tuovi (Editor)
Pelkonen, Marjaana (Editor)
Salo, Jarmo (Editor)
Kuronen, Maria (Editor)
Product number: 9789524080804
Product form: Multiple-component product
Availability: Delivery in 1-3 workdays
Publication date: 20.6.2023
Price: 38,35 € (33,64 € vat 0 %)

Publ. product code: MUU2023_335
Publisher: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL
Edition: 2023
Publication year: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 100
Product family: - Children, young people and families
Finnish library classification: 59.571 Raskaus. Sikiönkehitys. Synnytys
This guidebook is intended for all parents expecting a child. It contains up-to-date information on pregnancy, delivery and caring for your baby, as well as services for families with children. It also addresses parenthood, the relationship between the parents, the child's development and interaction with the child. This guidebook provides information and practical tips for daily life and parenthood. This revised edition is based on previous editions and has been produced through collaboration between experts and parents.