Persons with disabilities as victims of domestic violence (50 pcs) — Turvakotipalvelut, ohje ammattilaisille
Förlag: | Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL |
Upplaga: | 2021 |
Utgivningsår: | 2021 |
Språk: | engelska |
Produktgrupp: | - Olycksfall och våld |
Bibliotekssignum: | 37 SOCIALPOLITIK |
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Shelters for victims of domestic violence provide immediate help in a crisis, round-the-clock secure accommodation, and psychosocial support, advice and guidance related to an acute situation for those who have experienced domestic violence or the threat of such.
The shelters' services are free of charge to municipalities and customers, and no referral is required. Customers can access any shelter regardless of their municipality of residence.
The ‘Know and Act' cards are intended as support materials especially for social welfare and healthcare professionals and for key municipal civil servants and elected officials.
There is no charge for either the brochures themselves or the postage, and the brochures are provided in sets of 50.
Electronic version is available in Julkari, check 'Linkkejä'.
• Campaign code: Turvakoti (confirm by clicking ‘Add campaign code')
• Try to make joint orders for your whole organisation. This helps to minimise costs.
PLEASE NOTE: brochures are available in Finnish, Swedish and English (50 per package)
The shelters' services are free of charge to municipalities and customers, and no referral is required. Customers can access any shelter regardless of their municipality of residence.
The ‘Know and Act' cards are intended as support materials especially for social welfare and healthcare professionals and for key municipal civil servants and elected officials.
There is no charge for either the brochures themselves or the postage, and the brochures are provided in sets of 50.
Electronic version is available in Julkari, check 'Linkkejä'.
• Campaign code: Turvakoti (confirm by clicking ‘Add campaign code')
• Try to make joint orders for your whole organisation. This helps to minimise costs.
PLEASE NOTE: brochures are available in Finnish, Swedish and English (50 per package)